Neom's Futuristic Vision 262 Job Vacancies Highlight the Ambitious Project's Potential

Neom’s Futuristic Vision: 262 Job Vacancies Highlight the Ambitious Project’s Potential

Explore Neom’s 262 unique job openings in Saudi Arabia’s ambitious futuristic city, from AI roles to sustainability and innovation positions.


Saudi Arabia’s Neom Project

Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with its ambitious plans for Neom, a futuristic metropolis set to transform the northwestern region of Tabuk. 

Spread across 26,500 km², Neom is the flagship project of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030, an initiative to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy and reduce its reliance on oil revenues.

First announced in 2017, Neom promises to be a revolutionary city incorporating cutting-edge technology and sustainable practices. 

Despite reports of setbacks, officials assert that the project is on track.


Key Components of Neom

If construction proceeds as planned, Neom will include several remarkable developments:

  • Oxagon: An octagonal port city.
  • Sindalah: A luxury island resort.
  • Trojena: A ski and adventure resort.
  • Tourism Hub: Located in the Gulf of Aqaba.

The centerpiece of Neom is The Line, a planned zero-carbon city featuring two massive mirrored skyscrapers extending 170 km across Tabuk.


Cognitive City Concept

Officials describe Neom as a “cognitive city,” a step beyond the traditional smart city. 

The vision involves using technologies like AI and robotics to provide an optimal experience for residents. 

The idea is to create a city that not only responds to but anticipates its inhabitants’ needs, ensuring a seamless and enhanced living environment.


Recruitment for a Futuristic Workforce

To achieve this vision, Neom recruits for 262 job vacancies, reflecting the city’s futuristic and innovative nature.

The jobs range from common city planning roles to more unique positions that highlight the project’s ambitious and somewhat dystopian aspects.

Job Vacancies at Neom

Job TitleDescriptionKey Responsibilities
Tech Services and System ManagerManagerial position for Neom Community School.Manage tech services for the school, hire teachers.
Director of Personalized HealthPrioritizes health and well-being of citizens.Integrate genetics into personalized healthcare, manage health risks.
Water Mobility Station ProfessionalOversee boat services.Handle autonomous, zero-emission vessels.
Aquaculture Fish Laboratory and Biosecurity ProfessionalManage fish laboratory.Ensure fish welfare, conduct health surveillance.
Lead RewildingEcological conservation.Build wildlife corridors, manage species, introduce cheetahs.

Unique Roles Reflecting Neom’s Vision

  • Tech Services and System Manager: Beyond standard tech roles, this position is pivotal for the Neom Community School, part of the wider Neom U project, a significant education arm essential to the city’s vision as a research and innovation hub.
  • Director of Personalized Health: This role underscores Neom’s commitment to health and well-being, aiming to use genetic data for personalized healthcare. However, it raises ethical concerns about privacy and surveillance.
  • Water Mobility Station Professional: This role involves overseeing Neom’s futuristic boat services, requiring fluency in Arabic and English and the ability to handle autonomous vessels.
  • Aquaculture Fish Laboratory and Biosecurity Professional: This unexpected role involves managing a fish laboratory to support Neom’s sustainability ambitions and promote diving tourism.
  • Lead Rewilding: One of the most unique roles, this job focuses on ecological restoration and includes developing a cheetah introduction plan.

Challenges and Controversies

Despite the ambitious goals, Neom has faced criticism, particularly regarding the treatment of locals. 

In May 2023, three men from the Howeitat tribe were sentenced to death for resisting evictions from the Neom construction site, highlighting the project’s social and ethical challenges.



Neom represents a bold step towards a futuristic, sustainable, and innovative city. 

With 262 unique job vacancies, the project offers a glimpse into what could be a revolutionary living experience, albeit with its controversies and challenges. 

As recruitment continues, those interested in the future of urban living will closely watch Neom’s progress.


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