about neom



We are here to bring you the latest news and a deep look into NEOM, the new city in Saudi Arabia that’s all about new technology and being kind to the environment.

NEOM is a major project in Saudi Arabia’s northwest. 

It will be built near the Red Sea, Egypt, and Jordan and will cover 26,500 square kilometres.

Our job at NEOM CITY UPDATES is to keep you updated with everything happening in NEOM. 

Whether you live there, invest in it, care about the planet, or love technology, we have something for you.

Why Follow Us?

  • We Know Our Stuff: We have a team of smart reporters and experts who know much about NEOM. They help us bring you the best and most important news.
  • Fast News: NEOM is changing fast; we ensure you hear about the latest news immediately.
  • More Than Just News: We dig deep and not just tell you what is happening. We discuss how NEOM’s new tech and green plans could change things and what that means for everyone.
  • Join the Conversation: NEOM CITY UPDATES is not just a place to read news. It is a place to discuss ideas and your thoughts about NEOM’s future.

Stay With Us

NEOM is all about building a city for the future with cool technology and plans to protect the environment. 

We invite you to keep up with us for all the news and stories from NEOM.

Let us watch NEOM grow together.

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